31 December, 2012

Wreaths Across America

Members of the Millington Composite Squadron were proud to partner once more with Wreaths Across America, a nonprofit initiative that recognizes the courage and sacrifices of U.S. veterans by placing wreaths on the graves of the fallen during the year end holiday season.

“Our mission is to remember the fallen, honor those who serve and teach our children the value of freedom,” said Karen Worcester, executive director of Wreaths Across America. “Thousands of CAP members participate each year to help us do just that, and, with CAP’s help, this project has continued to see remarkable growth.”

This year, in tribute to the 25 million men and women who have served in the U.S. armed forces — guarding and preserving America’s freedom throughout history — wreaths from Worcester Wreath Co. in Harrington, Maine, will be placed on more than 325,000 veterans’ graves at 700-plus cemetery or memorial sites in all 50 states, as well as 20 foreign locations. 

Civil Air Patrol is a fundraiser for Wreaths Across America, and its members also lead or participate, often with color and honor guards, in many of the ceremonies at cemeteries and war memorials. Squadron members from Millington provided a color guard for the event held at the West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery. 

28 December, 2012

Volunteer Magazine Online (Jan-Mar 2013)

The newest edition of Volunteer Magazine has been released.  It is available at http://www.capvolunteernow.com/cap_volunteer/.

In addition to the cover story about Civil Air Patrol’s new governance structure, coverage in the e-edition of the Volunteer includes a seven-page feature on CAP members’ response to Hurricane Sandy and their delivery of more than 157,000 aerial assessment photos to FEMA and other national, regional and state emergency management agencies. There is also an in-depth article about technological advances within CAP that are modifying the organization’s search and rescue missions.

There are three videos included in the digital version of the magazine as well, a Wreaths Across America news clip on page 3, a thank-you message from FEMA on page 30 and a North Carolina Coastal Patrol Base 16 historic marker dedication ceremony video on page 38.

Here are some of the featured stories:
(page numbers are listed first)

3 A Matter Of Honor
CAP Again Salutes Nation’s Fallen Through Wreaths Across America
7 Changing Saves Strategies
Technological Advances Modify CAP’s Search And Rescue Missions
21 New System In Place
CAP Streamlines Governance Structure
27 Sandy Blows Through . . . CAP Steps Up
Superstorm Sends Members Into Action
38 Minutemen Dedication Ceremony
Historic Marker Pays Tribute To World War II-era Members
44 Aerospace Education Boost
Defense Department Funds Contribute To CAP’s Classroom Programs
46 Grace Under Pressure
Member Cited For Quick Thinking As Airline Pilot
49 Lessons In Trust
Glider Pilot Draws On Experience To Teach Cadets

09 November, 2012

MCS Color Guard at Massing of the Colors

Millington Composite Squadron's Color Guard represented the Civil Air Patrol at this year's Massing of the Colors, which was held last weekend at Church of the Holy Communion in Memphis.

The annual event celebrates service to our country and gives an opportunity for all military branches and service organizations to show their pride and look their best.  According to the Military Order of the World Wars:

The Massing of the Colors is a patriotic ceremony to rededicate our faith in the colors of the United States and to present our support to those Colors and of the Servicemen and women those Colors represent. It combines the colors and color guards of Active and Reserve Component military units, veterans’ organizations, civic and patriotic organizations.

The main speaker for the event was Rear Admiral Earl Gay, Commander of the US Navy Recruiting Command in Millington.  Thanks to everyone from the Color Guard as well as family members and others who came to show their support.

CAP Color Guard with Rear Admiral Earl Gay

01 November, 2012

Volunteer Magazine Online (Oct-Dec 2012)

If you'd like to hear more about what Civil Air Patrol is doing around the country, click HERE to view the 4th quarter edition of Volunteer, the official magazine of CAP.

Volunteer Magazine, Oct-Dec 2012

03 October, 2012

Millington K-9 Cops at MCS Cadet Mtg.

Officers from the Millington Police Department's K-9 unit recently came to share about their special law enforcement division with the cadets of the Millington Civil Air Patrol Squadron.

Cadets received a demonstration and some were able to play "suspect."  A hearty thank you goes out to the Millington Police Dept. for coming to share with our cadets this important aspect of our local law enforcement.

16 August, 2012

Upcoming Airshow

Members of Millington Composite Squadron will be traveling to Little Rock on Sept. 8th to enjoy the airshow held at the Jacksonville Air Force Base.  This will be an early morning drive over and late night return.  Details will be announced as they're finalized.

The 2012 Airshow will feature the famous US Navy Blue Angels as well as representative aircraft and paratroopers from the US Air Force, US Army, Canadian Forces, and many vintage aircraft.  You can learn more at http://www.littlerockairshow.com/ .  Here's a video from the 2010 airshow.

15 August, 2012

What's On the Horizon?

The following is our schedule of events for the next several weeks.  Please note that on two of these weeks there is no scheduled meeting as we will be participating in a Search And Rescue Exercise (SAREX) and traveling to the Little Rock Air Show.

Aug 18- cadet mtg
Aug 25- no mtg, SAREX
Sep 1 - Composite mtg (Labor Day weekend)
Sep 8 - no mtg, airshow in LR
Sep 15 - cadet mtg

We are still waiting to get use of our regular building again and hope to be back in it soon so we can have an open house event.  We will inform everyone as soon as we are notified about it.  Temporarily we are meeting across the street at the Navy Flying Club bldg.

23 July, 2012

Summer ReCAP

With a new school year only weeks away, now is a good time to look back at what the last couple of months has entailed.  The Summer of 2012 has afforded opportunities for members of Millington Composite Squadron to train, hone their skills and learning, and (very important!) have lots of fun.

The following is a list of the various activities or events so far this summer:

  • Weekly squadron meetings (avg. 3 per month) with drill, uniform inspections, physical training, aerospace education lessons, safety briefings, moral leadership lessons, and emergency services training.
  • Careers in Aviation Expo at the Memphis International Airport, where members got to fly flight simulators, get behind the scenes looks of TSA, airport police, Delta baggage handling, FedEx shipping hub, National Guard aviation, and much more.
  • Tennessee Wing Encampment at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, a summer camp with lots of fun and training.  Members got to do orientation rides in Black Hawk helicopters, for example.
  • Civil Engineering Academy at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida. Click for article
  • Cadet Officer School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.  Click for more information
  • Air Force Guided Training Exercise in Sparta, TN, a state-wide exercise monitored by the Air Force.
  • Veterans Day public events: Color Guard at the Redbirds game, and Flags In ceremony at the West TN Veterans Cemetery.

30 June, 2012

Memphis Airport and FedEx Host CAP Cadets

TSA instructs CAP cadets on screening procedures and various TSA career pathsThe Memphis International Airport, along with the Air National Guard and FedEx, hosted a week-long Careers in Aviation Expo for area members of the Civil Air Patrol.  The orientation event, in its second year, allowed cadets the opportunity to learn about the multitude of jobs that are available in the aviation industry.

Cadets got to spend time with employees from the TSA, Delta Airlines, the Airport Police, Airport Authority, FedEx, and airmen from the National Guard.  At each step along the way, cadets met employees in various positions who explained their jobs and what they had to do to get there.

When people think aviation, they think of pilots, yet for every pilot there are a multitude of individuals serving in various positions to make that pilot's job possible.  The Careers in Aviation Expo showed that whether its military, commercial, or public service, the aviation industry has a wealth of opportunities available for career consideration.  We are grateful to the Memphis International Airport Authority and other sponsors who made this opportunity available.

26 June, 2012

MCS Participates in Air Force Training Exercise

This month Millington Composite Squadron supplied a team of six members to participate in the Tennessee Wing's Air Force Guided Training Exercise in Sparta, TN.  This state-wide training exercise is held every other year and is evaluated by the United States Air Force.

Our squadron supplied a pilot, flight-line marshallers, and Ground Team members for the event which was held at the Cumberland Regional Airport.

18 June, 2012

MCS Color Guard at Redbirds Game

Millington Composite Squadron's Color Guard provided the opening ceremonies for the Memphis Redbirds baseball game at Autozone Park earlier this month.  Citizenship and patriotism are promoted within the Civil Air Patrol cadet program and showing respect for our flag is a perfect expression of those commitments.  MCS is proud to serve at such community events.

07 June, 2012

MCS Honors Veterans

Members of the Civil Air Patrol's Millington Composite Squadron participated in two events over this Memorial Day weekend.

On Saturday, cadets and senior members participated in the "flags in" ceremony, placing United States flags at the tombs of the West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery.  On Monday, members were present for the memorial service that honored those brave men and women who have given so much for our country.  MCS also provided the Color Guard for both events, which are held annually.

23 May, 2012

Upcoming Career Expo

Millington Composite Squadron will be one of three area squadrons participating in the new CIA (Careers in Aviation) Expo at the Memphis International Airport next month.
Participants will spend a week getting hands-on exposure to the various career paths within the aviation industry.  Cadets will get the opportunity to do things like handle baggage, assist with check-in, fly flight simulators, observe tower operations, and much more.  This is the second year for the event, which is intended to become an annual occurrence.

Partners include the Memphis Airport Authority, the Tennessee Air National Guard, FedEx, Delta Airlines, TSA, and others.  The CIA Expo is open to area members of the Civil Air Patrol (West Memphis, Millington, and Olive Branch).  For more information, contact Squadron leadership.

20 May, 2012

Welcome !

Thank you for visiting our squadron's website, which is currently under construction.

In the meantime, if you are interested in visiting our squadron, please contact our webmaster by email for meeting times and location.  We look forward to hearing from you.