23 July, 2012

Summer ReCAP

With a new school year only weeks away, now is a good time to look back at what the last couple of months has entailed.  The Summer of 2012 has afforded opportunities for members of Millington Composite Squadron to train, hone their skills and learning, and (very important!) have lots of fun.

The following is a list of the various activities or events so far this summer:

  • Weekly squadron meetings (avg. 3 per month) with drill, uniform inspections, physical training, aerospace education lessons, safety briefings, moral leadership lessons, and emergency services training.
  • Careers in Aviation Expo at the Memphis International Airport, where members got to fly flight simulators, get behind the scenes looks of TSA, airport police, Delta baggage handling, FedEx shipping hub, National Guard aviation, and much more.
  • Tennessee Wing Encampment at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, a summer camp with lots of fun and training.  Members got to do orientation rides in Black Hawk helicopters, for example.
  • Civil Engineering Academy at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida. Click for article
  • Cadet Officer School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.  Click for more information
  • Air Force Guided Training Exercise in Sparta, TN, a state-wide exercise monitored by the Air Force.
  • Veterans Day public events: Color Guard at the Redbirds game, and Flags In ceremony at the West TN Veterans Cemetery.