- 3 Dec - SAREX in Humboldt, TN, Maj VonBuskirk will be OIC
- 6 Dec - Senior Member Meeting, 1830hrs
- 10 Dec - Cadet Staff Training & Planning Meeting, 0900hrs
- 19 Dec - Tour of the FAA Tower, 0900hrs, pre-registration required (deadline passed)
- 28-31 Dec - TNWG Color Guard Training Camp, Tullahoma, TN
- 28 Dec-3 Jan - FLWG Winter Encampment, Tyndall AFB, FL
01 December, 2016
December Schedule
There will be no regular Saturday meetings during the month of December, however the following events will be taking place:
16 November, 2016
Thanksgiving Break
Millington Composite Squadron will be taking an extended Thanksgiving break, so no meetings are scheduled for the last two weeks of November.
The next scheduled meeting will be December 10th. Watch for updates as the schedule may be adjusted next month as well.
The next scheduled meeting will be December 10th. Watch for updates as the schedule may be adjusted next month as well.
MCS Honors Veterans
A dozen members from Millington Composite Squadron participated in the "flags-in" ceremony at the West Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery, placing US flags at hundreds of graves. Over 21,000 veterans are buried at the cemetery and every one of them had a flag placed at their tombstone.
26 October, 2016
Recent News
Millington Composite Squadron participated in the Millington 9/11 Memorial Service held at Northridge Woodhaven Cemetery in September. The MCS Color Guard presented the colors, our Chaplain VonBuskirk gave the invocation, and Squadron Commander Capt Barrett gave the address. He also spoke on the same subject at the Bartlett Rotary Club later that week.
Senior Meetings are now being held on the first Tuesday night of each month at 1830 hrs in addition to the monthly composite meeting. At the most recent Tuesday meeting we began Mission Scanner training.
The cadets have been working on Ground Team training, have had lessons in Moral Leadership, CAP Social Media, Drill & Ceremony, and PT. Several cadets have either completed or are in the process of completing rank advancements. Two of our most recent promotions include Cadets Quick and McCormack. Congratulations!
The cadets have been working on Ground Team training, have had lessons in Moral Leadership, CAP Social Media, Drill & Ceremony, and PT. Several cadets have either completed or are in the process of completing rank advancements. Two of our most recent promotions include Cadets Quick and McCormack. Congratulations!
16 September, 2016
Meeting Cancelled for 17 September
The Cadet Meeting planned for Saturday, 17 September has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Notices have gone out to members by email. We apologize for the late notice. The next scheduled meeting will be Saturday, 24 September.
07 July, 2016
MCS Cadets Attend Summer Encampment
Ten members from Millington Composite Squadron participated in the 2016 Tennessee Wing Encampment from 4 June to 11 June. Six of them served on staff while another four were basic cadets. One of those, Cadet Daniel Burgess, was recognized as honor cadet of the entire encampment.
The annual event, normally held on military bases, was held for the first time on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University. MTSU has an outstanding reputation for excellent aerospace education and their willingness to host this year's encampment is a good indicator of the relationship between MTSU and Civil Air Patrol.
The annual event, normally held on military bases, was held for the first time on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University. MTSU has an outstanding reputation for excellent aerospace education and their willingness to host this year's encampment is a good indicator of the relationship between MTSU and Civil Air Patrol.
Next Meeting 16th of July
Due to the Air Force Operations Evaluation this weekend, there will be no meeting on 9 July. Our next regularly scheduled meeting is on 16 July, which will be a composite meeting.
If you are a visitor interested in the Civil Air Patrol we would be happy to have you join us at our next meeting.
If you are a visitor interested in the Civil Air Patrol we would be happy to have you join us at our next meeting.
11 June, 2016
There will be no meeting this Saturday, 11 June. The next scheduled meeting is the following weekend, Saturday 18 June.
04 June, 2016
Several cadets attended the Group IV SAREX/GTX in Bolivar recently. The event was well attended and some quality training took place. A special thank goes out to C/Capt Blake Burgess for spearheading the Ground Team training. Also last month we were called on to participate in a practice evaluation conducted by the Air Force which was done in coordination with both Tennessee Wing and Mississippi Wing. Thank you to Capt Rivers and cadets Littlejohn, Srock and Fleming for representing Millington. The practice eval went well and a small ground team was acceptable, but we will need all hands on deck for the full Air Force Evaluation in July (8-9).
Several cadets attended the Group IV SAREX/GTX in Bolivar recently. The event was well attended and some quality training took place. A special thank goes out to C/Capt Blake Burgess for spearheading the Ground Team training. Also last month we were called on to participate in a practice evaluation conducted by the Air Force which was done in coordination with both Tennessee Wing and Mississippi Wing. Thank you to Capt Rivers and cadets Littlejohn, Srock and Fleming for representing Millington. The practice eval went well and a small ground team was acceptable, but we will need all hands on deck for the full Air Force Evaluation in July (8-9).
The Air Force Association of Tennessee recently recognized Millington Composite Squadron as CAP Unit of the Year for Tennessee. Representing MCS at their state convention were Squadron Commander Capt Ruben Barrett and Cadet Commander C/2d Lt Christian Littlejohn. The AFA is very supportive of Civil Air Patrol and we are thankful for all they do.
As part of our Aerospace Education mission, MCS is currently working through the Model Rocketry curriculum with hands on projects. Our most recent class completed the construction on their rockets and we are looking forward to the next class when they will be launched.
05 April, 2016
Please note a schedule change for April, that there will be NO MEETING on Saturday 9 April. For anybody wishing to visit, we will be back the following Saturday.
Also, the SAREX in Bolivar that was planned for 23 April has been MOVED to 30 April.Squadron members watch your email for updates on specifics for that event.
01 April, 2016
March Milestones
This month the Millington Composite Squadron was visited by Hugh Lamar, a representative of the Everett Cook Chapter of the Air Force Association. He presented one of our cadets, C/CMSgt Sean Srock with the Cadet of the Year Award from the AFA. He also presented the certificate for the MCS CyberPatriot team, which scored first place in Tennessee within the All Service Division Gold Tier.
Orientation flights were scheduled but had to be postponed due to weather, and two cadets presented their Armstrong Speech (Srock and Boothe). We also saw C/Capt Blake Burgess attain his rank and receive the Amelia Earhart Award.
As part of our aerospace education program the cadets continued their model rocketry program, completing the first stage. These hands-on projects included building two very simple rocket designs (made of paper or styrofoam) to introduce basic concepts such as thrust.
Orientation flights were scheduled but had to be postponed due to weather, and two cadets presented their Armstrong Speech (Srock and Boothe). We also saw C/Capt Blake Burgess attain his rank and receive the Amelia Earhart Award.
As part of our aerospace education program the cadets continued their model rocketry program, completing the first stage. These hands-on projects included building two very simple rocket designs (made of paper or styrofoam) to introduce basic concepts such as thrust.
10 March, 2016
February At-a-Glance
This month was a busy month for Millington Composite Squadron. Here's a few highlights:
- Annual awards ceremony held at the Baker Community Center
- Joint drill with the Jackson-Madison County Squadron
- Cadet Lucas Shelton presented his Armstrong speech
- Four more cadet orientation flights were performed, bringing us to eight so far this year
- Color Guard presented the colors at the local Lincoln Day Gala, featuring Tennessee senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker
- The squadron began the Model Rocketry program
- The squadron began the new cadet physical fitness program
13 February, 2016
Millington Composite Squadron recently held an awards ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments and activities of its members in 2015. Nearly 100 people were in attendance for the evening, which included two Change of Commands, numerous awards and promotions.
Captain Ruben Barrett was formally recognized for his appointment as Squadron Commander 6 months prior, while Cadet Commander Blake Burgess handed over the reins to his successor Christian Littlejohn. Littlejohn received the esteemed Billy Mitchell Award and was promoted to Second Lieutenant.
Chaplain Maj Don VonBuskirk was recognized for his 10 years of service to Civil Air Patrol, and Deputy Commander of Cadets Timothy Rivers received the Achievement Award for his outstanding service to the cadet program at MCS. He was subsequently promoted to the rank of Captain.
Five cadets were recognized as the squadron's first Cyber Patriot team: Blake Burgess, Christian Littlejohn, Lee Arnold, Sean Srock, and Haleigh Woodruff. Following the awards ceremony the team went on to 1st place in Tennessee for their division.
Numerous cadets received promotions, were recognized for having their first flight, and were presented with various awards. Two cadets, Lucas Shelton and Shane Boothe, were recognized for outstanding service during a recent missing person search. Captain Barrett praised the members for all their hard work and all the parents for their support of the cadets.
The event was held at the Baker Community Center in Millington.
Millington Composite Squadron is a unit of the Civil Air Patrol, the nation's US Air Force Auxiliary. It conducts search and rescue missions for missing aircraft, assists with disaster relief and missing person searches, promotes aerospace education, and conducts a quality cadet program.
Captain Ruben Barrett was formally recognized for his appointment as Squadron Commander 6 months prior, while Cadet Commander Blake Burgess handed over the reins to his successor Christian Littlejohn. Littlejohn received the esteemed Billy Mitchell Award and was promoted to Second Lieutenant.
Chaplain Maj Don VonBuskirk was recognized for his 10 years of service to Civil Air Patrol, and Deputy Commander of Cadets Timothy Rivers received the Achievement Award for his outstanding service to the cadet program at MCS. He was subsequently promoted to the rank of Captain.
Five cadets were recognized as the squadron's first Cyber Patriot team: Blake Burgess, Christian Littlejohn, Lee Arnold, Sean Srock, and Haleigh Woodruff. Following the awards ceremony the team went on to 1st place in Tennessee for their division.
Numerous cadets received promotions, were recognized for having their first flight, and were presented with various awards. Two cadets, Lucas Shelton and Shane Boothe, were recognized for outstanding service during a recent missing person search. Captain Barrett praised the members for all their hard work and all the parents for their support of the cadets.
The event was held at the Baker Community Center in Millington.
Millington Composite Squadron is a unit of the Civil Air Patrol, the nation's US Air Force Auxiliary. It conducts search and rescue missions for missing aircraft, assists with disaster relief and missing person searches, promotes aerospace education, and conducts a quality cadet program.
27 January, 2016
The public is invited to join us this Monday, February 1st at 7pm at the Baker Community Center for Millington Composite Squadron's annual awards ceremony. Come celebrate as we honor our members for their service and accomplishments over the past year. Refreshments will follow. This is a great time to learn more about the programs of Civil Air Patrol and what we are doing here in the community. Everyone is welcome.
Cadet Meeting This Week
There WILL be a cadet meeting this Saturday, 30 January due to losing one of our meeting dates this month. With the annual awards ceremony taking place this Monday, 1 Feb, this will be a final push to complete any promotion requirements beforehand. Also, there is a possibility for orientation flights but we won't know until Friday. Check your emails for the agenda.
15 January, 2016
No Meeting January 16th
Due to an active mission, there will be no meeting on Saturday, 16 January. For anyone wishing to visit, we invite you to come back next week.
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