Millington Composite Squadron participated in the Millington 9/11 Memorial Service held at Northridge Woodhaven Cemetery in September. The MCS Color Guard presented the colors, our Chaplain VonBuskirk gave the invocation, and Squadron Commander Capt Barrett gave the address. He also spoke on the same subject at the Bartlett Rotary Club later that week.

Senior Meetings are now being held on the first Tuesday night of each month at 1830 hrs in addition to the monthly composite meeting. At the most recent Tuesday meeting we began Mission Scanner training.
The cadets have been working on Ground Team training, have had lessons in Moral Leadership, CAP Social Media, Drill & Ceremony, and PT. Several cadets have either completed or are in the process of completing rank advancements. Two of our most recent promotions include Cadets Quick and McCormack. Congratulations!