16 August, 2015

August Events

August has been a busy month for Millington Composite Squadron. We saw a few cadets promoted and some new members join.  A recruiting booth was set up at an area homeschool meeting, and cadets started a new school year.  During one of the meetings cadets held a Field Training Exercise, giving instruction and practicing their search and rescue skills.    In another meeting a radio class was held then everyone went outside to practice what was learned during a Communications Exercise.

Cadets and Senior Members in formation

Cadets at Mission Base practice their radio skills

Capt Barrett teaching a Radio Communications class

Cadets practicing some of their search and rescue skills
during a Field Training Exercise

MCS members form a search line during an FTX in August.

July ReCAP

July was one hot month!  However, the heat did not keep Millington Composite Squadron from getting together. Meetings were held each Saturday except 4 July, as well as a Senior meeting on the second Tuesday night.  We continued with our emphasis this quarter on radio communications, and several members were able to be signed off on their basic radio certifications. 

Seniors are now meeting regularly on the first Saturday morning and second Tuesday evening.  We had good attendance and worked on Mission Radio Operator certifications.  We'll continue with an emphasis on radio training throughout this third quarter.  In addition to this considerable attention was given to administrative duties, catching up on some much needed paperwork!