30 August, 2018

A Busy Year So Far

As summer 2018 comes rapidly to a close, here's a summary of a few things that have been going on lately with Millington Composite Squadron.
  • 1st Lt Rachael Stewart became the new Squadron Commander and her husband 1st Lt Ethan Stewart is now serving as the Deputy Commander of Cadets
  • MCS members were present at the West TN Veterans Cemetery to show support at the funeral for a homeless veteran who had no family.
  • The Memphis Fire Department conducted a CPR/First Aid training course for the squadron and several members participated.
  • The squadron enjoyed a fun hiking trip out at Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park
  •  MCS members participated in an emergency services training event
  • Seven MCS cadets attended the 2018 Tennessee Wing Summer Encampment at Middle Tennessee State University, with two of our cadets serving on staff.
For more frequent updates on squadron happenings be sure to check out our Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook icon to the right.